Best Poetry (Puisi Pilihan)

Woman of Magic

“Oh woman of magic, charms, spells and strong love potions
will you make me a philtre to give Sarah Green a notion
to fall in love with me and to hold out her left hand
to do as I ask, to marry and wear my gold band? ”

“Tell me, does this Sarah Green know that you exist,
does she give you the eye that flutters so quick?
Does she move gracefully and glance over her shoulder,
smile and pucker her lips, or do something bolder? ”

“No, unfortunately she does none of these desirable things,
but each time I see her she makes my heart sing.
I see her in the village each day and in my dreams at night,
and if I can’t have her I will turn out my life light.”

“It appears to me that you are nothing but a lovesick fool,
how could this Sarah Green make you so drool?
But if I did spend time making you an extra special brew
what could you give me to make your wish come true? ”

“I am by no means a wealthy man, of this you can be assured
and if I was to make you an offer you may think it absurd.
However, are we talking about money in the greatest of sums,
or are we talking about the smallest of crumbs? ”

“A moment ago you said you would turn your life light out,
now what is your life worth, what value would you shout?
It seems that my potions would be worth everything you’ve got,
and if you’ve nothing, you will do anything, am I right, or not? ”

“You mean that money need not be the only method of payment,
and there are other ways to pay for our agreement?
What does one normally have to do to leave you fulfilled,
surely you won’t ask for someone to be killed? ”

“Oh no, no, I wouldn’t sink so low as to hire an assassin
with my spells I can eliminate, alter or fashion.
Now listen to what my dreams have placed on my agenda,
I require a girl child on May 1st whom I’ll name Diana.”

“So you want me to find and kidnap a female child or baby
before ten months has passed, or eleven maybe? ”
“Why don’t you listen properly to what I say you stupid man?
I must conceive a baby in the way only two people can.”

“What! You actually want me to make a baby with you
and you bear my child, and be its mother too?
I don’t know if I can do this, you are so ugly, old and wizen,
my love is for Sarah, and to her only it is to be given.”

“Give me strength, I’m not asking for your love or your heart,
just give me your seed and then we can part.
I don’t want your stimulating conversation, or boring company,
just do as I ask and leave the details to me.”

“Will you give me a potion so you can appear as a real beauty,
so when I make love to you it won’t feel like a duty?
And then of course there is the love potion for Sarah Green
to make her love a reality instead of my dream.”

“Yes, yes, I will give you these potions just wait and see,
so now what is your name and do you agree?
I will draw up a contract and you must sign it in blood,
if it isn’t done this way it’ll be worthless and no good.”

“My name is Alfred George Boon and I agree to all you say,
when do we begin and when do I pay? ”
“When the next moon is full I will concoct Sarah’s brew,
but I will require a hair from her and one from you.

This symbolic union requires the hairs to be tied and knotted
and I will ensure she drinks the potion to become besotted.
Seven weeks and one day there after you both will be wed
and for one week after that you must share my bed.

It is with all this in mind that you shall now freely sign
a contract that is binding in the sight of mankind,
and if for any reason you do not agree then walk away now,
but if you do now sign, it’s your written vow.”

The potion worked, Sarah and Alfred were happily wed,
but one week later he wasn’t in the potion maker’s bed.
The maker of spells and potions was feeling very annoyed
Alfred had broken his contract, and must now be destroyed.

She searched and found him to give him one last chance
and warned him of the punishment in this circumstance.
He told her to get lost and to get her face out of his sight
for his romance was as natural as doves in flight.

She made two new potions to overcome the power of will,
the first one for Alfred and his contract to fulfil.
In disguise she sold this strong potion to Sarah his wife
saying it would put vigour into the man of her life.

Two nights later Alfred hastened to the bed of the maker of spells,
and seven after that he had finished in the house where she dwells.
The morning after, she gave him the second brew in an herbal tea
and minutes later, he was a sapling of a growing birch tree.

She planted the sapling in Druids Wood in a clearing wide and open,
Alfred was of course missed, and at first his wife was heartbroken,
but after several days her love potion wore off and she didn’t care,
she fell in love and ran away with a man from the Goose Fair.

The pregnant woman of magic, charms, love potions and spells
gave birth to her baby who was blessed with the gift to foretell.
On Diana’s sixteenth birthday on the very first day of May
she was to be the May Queen, and it was to be her day.

The sixteen year old birch tree in the wood clearing that once stood so tall
was cut down, trimmed and carried, and placed outside the town hall.
With coloured ribbons and flowers attached, it was firmly fixed in the ground
and was ready for The May Queen and the young people to dance around.

Alfred did not know his daughter had been crowned The May Queen
until mother and daughter together had made themselves seen.
Dancing, laughing and joking, they both kissed the Maypole,
and the tree began weeping from its fresh knot holes.

Orlando Belo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i dunno. but, i believe that woman is not the only magic. life, is the magic.

anyway, i made a few Eng Poetry too. i just dunno how to make it bilingual - in bahasa indonesia and english.