Best Poetry (Puisi Pilihan)


Twenty ten introduces a seduction,
Infused with a sigh of relief.

Excuses fade away.
Satisfactions come to stay.
Burdens lift to minimize fear.
Or those perceptions once endeared.

To Leave many freed of sought attachments.
And a connection pursued that romances life!
That feels so right and deep with meaning.

Twenty ten introduces a seduction,
Infused with a sigh of relief.

Many will seek as pure happiness.
Others will not know this gift for what it is!
Accustomed to clinging to duets,
In disharmony.
2010 achieves a sense of freedom within.
A spirituality arrives.
Having little to do with perceptions of religion.

Twenty ten introduces a seduction,
Infused with a sigh of relief.
And an expanded consciousness accepted...
No one can debate or bait to deceive!

Lawrence S. Pertillar

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